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St. Gerard Seniors

Leader: Gloria Kelley
Leader: Pat Evans
E-Mail: seniors@saintgerardmajella.net
Meeting Days and Time: 1st Wednesday of each month at noon
Meeting Location: Parish Hall (bring your own lunch)

The Senior's of St. Gerard is a purely social ministry, intended to provide fun and fellowship for folks 55 or better. You are welcome to attend meetings and outings whenever your schedule permits, and you're even welcome to bring non-Catholic friends. At our monthly meeting we decide on an outing for that month. We have visited historic homes, had lunch at local restaurants, gone to the movies, taken car trips, etc. If you need a ride, please call Gloria or Pat and one will be arranged. Check the church bulletin every week for upcoming meeting and outing dates. This is an excellent way to meet your fellow parishioners. The only thing better than going to Mass each week is going to Mass with friends!.


3049 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 706-861-9410 website@saintgerardmajella.net