Leader: Diane Forgette
E-Mail: memorialhospitallunches@saintgerardmajella.net
Meeting Days and Time: Second Wednesday of each month.
Meeting Location: Parish Hall and 4th floor waiting room of Memorial Hospital
The Memorial Hospital Luncheon Ministry provides lunch, prayers and support to awaiting family and friends of people in the MICU. We begin at the parish social hall on the second Wednesday of each month where we gather the luncheon needs which are donated by parishioners. The lunch is then taken to the 4th floor waiting room of Memorial Hospital. There at 11:30 a.m. we serve sandwiches, fruit, chips, deviled eggs, dessert and drinks to between 40-65 people. Together we offer a prayer before the meal which is also available on printed cards with our church contact information on them.
This ministry enables the people to be able to stay close to the waiting room phone where they await news of their loved one. It is with receptive and grateful hearts that the people receive our gift to them. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this ministry, you can appreciate the true meaning of this ministry. All of the participants come away with a sense of thanksgiving, satisfaction and inspiration.